Birth Cultures’ toolkits for secondary schools

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An important part of the Birth Cultures project has to do with awareness raising as to the content it addresses. With this purpose, a toolkit for secondary schools was prepared and has now been published on the project’s website, with the collaboration of Cristina da Milano and Pascuala Migone from ECCOM and by taking stock of the work developed by Stefanie Schmid-Altringer for the Birth Cafe Campaign

The toolkit provides thematic and methodological guidelines for secondary school teachers to approach the themes tackled by Birth Cultures with their students: it is conceived mainly - but not exclusively- to be used as supporting material to explore the Birth Cultures traveling exhibition but also, because of its versatility, it can be used in the future beyond the project’s duration, by schools in other countries. The toolkit is available in the four Birth Cultures languages: GermanItalianSpanish and Ukrainian

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